
Are You Being Present?

Stuck in the Past? Concerns For the Future? You’re Wasting More Energy Than You Realize. Learn How to LIVE in the PRESENT. You have a choice. Choose to be present!
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Are You Being Present?








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Oct 29, 2016

The Presence Projects is excited to present episode 24 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series.  The title and topic of this podcast is "Simplifying the Present Moment" and was selected because so many people in Western society innately complicate their lives pulling them out of the present moment.

Host Paul Kerzner decided to explore this topic as he has seen first-hand with his patients, as well as in his own reality, the need to simplify the present moment.  While it may take a decent amount of effort to shift away from complications you will soon see how important it is.

Paul explains that there is a narrative running through our minds creating stories that have nothing to do with the present moment.  It takes an awareness that this is transpiring and then action(s) to simplify our lives and the experiences we are involved in.

Later in the podcast Paul shares a few techniques that can help simplify life.  One of the easiest ways is to see people/places/things for exactly how they are.  We must stop labeling everything as good or bad and just accept them for how they are.  Acceptance of the present moment is an essential 'Presence Tool' that will simplify your reality and shift you into the 'here and now'.

If you've been experiencing some challenges and find it difficult to stay present we urge you to listen to this podcast and start simplifying your life today!

Learn more about presence and join us in the present moment!  Check out the rest of our podcasts:

Oct 13, 2016

Join host Paul Kerzner for a special episode addressing and exploring the very question that this podcast is based on, "Are You Being Present?"  Whether you are new to presence, or have lots of experience living in the 'here and now', this podcast will serve as a powerful reminder and useful 'Presence Tool'.

Over the past few years Paul has taught presence to hundreds of patients who were living with a variety of emotional challenges.  He noted and observed that one of the core issues being experienced was a lack of presence.  This situation takes place when people become, consciously or unconsciously, dominated by memories of the past or worries of the future. 

In this podcast Paul delves deep into the topic of presence and encourages the listeners to ask themselves if they are being present as often as possible.  He explains that being present can take some effort but there are amazing benefits to living a life without distractions, thoughts and worries.  

Paul explains that presence isn't something that can be given or purchased, it is a state of being that must be earned.  Each and every day you must create a baseline filled with peace and inner stillness.  

The Presence Projects was established to provide the necessary support, information, and encouragement to help each and every person shift into the 'here and now'.  We hope you enjoyed this episode and welcome you back to the present moment.

To learn more about being present please visit our website:

Oct 10, 2016

The Presence Projects proudly presents episode 22 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  In this episode host Paul Kerzner spends time addressing an important topic that has great relevance and tremendous influence over our ability to live in the 'here and now'.  

"Words That Affect Our Present Moment" is the title and topic of this podcast.  It was chosen because of the impact and significance words have on our lives.  Words create our reality, yet too many of us speak unconsciously, and at times, are neglectful with the words we use. 

After working with hundreds of patients over the past few years Paul has observed that words are one of the greatest 'Presence Challenges' being faced by humanity.  It was with this observation that he saw the need to address, re-frame and revise the use of certain words to help people shift into the present moment.

If you find it challenging to stay present we encourage you to look at the words you're using and how they are affecting your reality.  Please take some time to listen to this podcast, change your words and shift back to the present moment.

To learn more about being present please visit our website:


Sep 28, 2016

The Presence Projects warmly welcomes guest host Tracy Fortune to the 21st episode of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The title and topic for this podcast is "Overcoming Adversity with Presence."  It was selected to help bring attention to the importance of being present when facing life's many challenges.  Adversity is something that each person is faced with and has to overcome to grow, learn and prosper.

We invited Tracy Fortune to be the guest host after she shared her life story with us, one that we found to be quite profound.  She has encountered many significant adversities and traumas in her life that were overcome with presence, patience and grace.  

Opening up and sharing yourself with the world isn't easy, so we are deeply grateful that Tracy has allowed herself to be vulnerable on the podcast.  There are many people out there struggling to get through their own life challenges and we believe that listening to Tracy's story will prove to be inspirational, moving and motivating.  Her efforts help exemplify that anything is possible when desire, perseverance and presence are maintained during the most challenging of moments.

During the podcast both Paul and Tracy spend time talking about their lives and the importance of staying present.  One key message to take note of is that everything changes in time and nothing stays the same.  We must remember to let go of the past and stop worrying about the future to allow each moment to flow and live in the 'here and now.'

We thank Tracy Fortune for coming on the podcast and sharing her life story, she is truly an inspiration to us all.

To learn more about being present please visit our website:

Sep 21, 2016

Guest host Jorge Rivera joins Paul Kerzner for episode 20 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The title and topic of this podcast is "Yoga for Presence" and was selected because yoga is an amazing "Presence Tool" that is popular and accessible for everyone.  

Jorge is a yoga instructor and was asked to join the podcast because of the emphasis he places on teaching mindfulness and presence with his students.  When yoga is practiced with the proper intention, and taught by a skilled instructor, it has the ability to bring peace and stillness to the mind, body and spirit.

During the podcast Jorge talks about his background and how he was introduced to yoga.  After experiencing a few injuries, and going through a significant life transition, he was looking for some direction and relief.  His practice allowed him to see first hand how powerful yoga is by helping to heal his body.  This profound experience was the motivation and inspiration he needed to become a yoga instructor.  

Later in the episode Paul and Jorge discuss presence and how yoga helps people shift away from thoughts of the past and worries of the future.  Anyone who has attended a yoga classes understands that it is a subjective practice with each person having a unique experience.  The goal is to stay present by focusing on the breath, stretches and controlled movements.

We thank Jorge for joining us and recommend his services to anyone interested in attending a powerfully present yoga class.  If you're interested in learning more about Jorge Rivera please contact him on Facebook: [Link]

If you're interested in learning more about being present please visit our website:


Sep 18, 2016

The Presence Projects presents episode 19 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series. In this episode Jarid Neuhaus joins Paul Kerzner in a meaningful and insightful discussion on meditation and presence.  Jarid is a Licensed Massage Therapist, meditation, yoga, Qi Gong and yoga instructor.  

"Meditation as a Presence Tool" is the title and topic of the podcast and we felt that Jarid was the right person for this subject.  He has dedicated a considerable amount of time developing his own meditation practice and also teaches the public about what meditation is, how to implement it into their lives and walks them through guided and silent meditations.

In previous podcasts meditation has been discussed, as it's an integral component of a daily mindfulness practice.  Paul takes some time to remind the audience, that from his perspective, there are no rules or a set amount of time when it comes to meditating.  If you're new to meditation its helpful to remember that any amount of time you're able to commit to meditation is important and meaningful.

During the podcast Jarid talks about different meditation techniques and focal points.  The breath, more specifically watching your breathing, is a great focal point which helps focus your mind and bring about a deeper state of relaxation.  The conversation continues as Paul and Jarid share their experiences and perspectives on the usefulness of meditating and being present.

We thank Jarid for joining us on the podcast and sharing some great information about meditation and it's ability to help shift us into the present moment.  If you'd like to learn more about Jarid Neuhaus please visit his website:

To learn more about being present please visit our website:


Sep 12, 2016

Jamine Aponte joins the "Are You Being Present?" podcast as a guest host with Paul Kerzner.  Jamine is a strength, conditioning and wellness coach who has dedicated her life to helping people improve their health while being present.

The title and topic for this episode is "Working out in the Present Moment."  If you are one of the millions of people that goes to the gym on a (semi) regular basis, then you have an opportunity to use exercise as a "Presence Tool."  

In this podcast Paul and Jamine discuss how common it is for people to become distracted by their thought-stream while at the gym.  Whether its memories of the past or worries of the future, it is important to stay focused and exercise in the 'here and now.' By being present when exercising your workouts will be more effective, efficient and completed with the necessary attention.

Later in the podcast we go into detail and provide a variety of benefits of being present while working out.  One major benefit is that by staying in the 'here and now' you become more in-touch and in-tune with your body.  Another benefit is the ability to perform exercises with the correct form by not rushing through your workouts.  Rushing is a "Presence Distraction" and can lead to injury which is a highly undesirable and certainly unintended consequence.

We thank Jamine for joining us on the podcast and look forward to having her back.  If you'd like to learn more about Jamine Aponte please visit her website:

Learn more about being present by visiting our website:

Sep 7, 2016

The “Are You Being Present?” podcast welcomes back guest host StevieAnne Petitt who joins Paul Kerzner for another amazing episode.  The title and topic of this podcast is "Crying with Presence" and it delves into a subject that is relevant to everyone. 

Paul felt compelled to discuss how crying can be used as a 'Presence Tool' after watching a video on Facebook of StevieAnne sharing her emotions and shedding some tears.  The act of crying, setting aside the thoughts or emotions that led up to it, can only be done in the present moment.  

Paul and StevieAnne converse about how men and women view and experience crying much differently due to societal conditioning.  Women, by in large, allow themselves to cry more easily and find it to be a useful experience when dealing with a variety of emotions.  Men, typically, are raised to believe that crying is a weakness, one that shouldn't be expressed easily.  This is a challenge because crying, when appropriate, helps releases emotions and brings presence.

One interesting point that was made was in regards to people looking for permission to cry.  By giving ourselves this permission we allow emotions to flow and shift into the present moment.  

We thank StevieAnne for joining us and speaking about such an important topic.  Her willingness to be vulnerable and share her emotions with the world exemplifies how courageous she truly is.  If you'd like to learn more about StevieAnne Petitt please visit her Facebook page: [Link]

To learn more about being present please visit our website:


Sep 4, 2016

The Presence Projects presents episode 16 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  In this episode Tami Sharp (clinical hypnotherapist, life & love coach) joins Paul Kerzner for a in-depth discussion on gratitude and it's ability to shift humanity into the present moment.

The title of this podcast is "Gratefully Present" and was chosen because gratitude is an essential 'Presence Tool' that has a profound effect on life and can be used by anyone, anywhere at anytime. Being grateful, more so living in a state of gratitude, will create more positive situations and enable desirable outcomes in the present moment.

During the podcast Tami shares some of her experiences that provided an opportunity for growth and the ability to see how important it is to be grateful.  There are times in life that we lose things dear to us so that we can learn the importance of gratitude for all things, big and small.

Paul shares his perspective on gratitude and the need to accept the present moment.  He suggests that we begin each day with a gratitude exercise which can be added to your mindfulness practice to help build a strong baseline of peace, clarity, inner stillness and presence. 

We thank Tami for joining us on the podcast and look forward to having her back soon.  If you're interested in learning more about Tami Sharp please visit her website:

To learn more about being present please visit our website:

Aug 26, 2016

The Presence Projects is excited to present episode 15 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series! In this episode Eric Rehnke joins us to discuss breathing, its effects on the nervous system and how it can shift us into the 'here and now'.  Eric is a teacher and breath work facilitator who has been exploring conscious breathing and it's ability to help bring humanity into the present moment.  

In this podcast Eric shares his background in breath work and his experiences with the conscious breathing movement.  He discusses an amazing moment he had which opened his eyes to the power of the breath.  Eric goes on to explain how breath work is an essential 'presence tool' that can be used by anyone at anytime to bring about an inner state of peace, stillness and presence.  Later in the podcast he discusses conscious breathing and walks us through a short exercise.  

We wholeheartedly thank Eric for teaching us about breath work and it's ability to calm the mind, body and spirit.  If you'd like to learn more about Eric please visit:

To learn more about being present please visit:

Aug 21, 2016

The Presence Projects welcomes guest host Parul Agrawal to the 14th episode of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The topic for this podcast is "Juicing for Presence" and features a lively conversation on the positive effects of juicing; it’s ability to improve health and how it can provide presence and clarity.

Parul is the ideal person to discuss juicing, as she is an international best selling author, Wellness Coach and Medicinal Juicing Instructor.  With her extensive background in wellness and transformative experiences with juicing, she shares valuable and insightful information that is relevant to anyone interested in improving their physical and emotional states of being.  

Aside from the many health benefits that juicing provides it also has a significant effect on presence and life in the ‘here and now’.  Parul and Paul go into detail about how this becomes possible as juicing eliminate toxins, clears out the digestive system, improves gut health and provides the body with essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

If you're working on being present then it's essential to address nutrition as it has a direct impact on the mind, body and spirit.  Juicing is easy, affordable, healthy and is something that anyone can do on a regular basis so we encourage you to begin your juice regimen right away!

We thank Parul for joining the podcast and look forward to continuing the discussion on juicing.  If you'd like to learn more about Parul Agrawal please visit her website:


Aug 13, 2016

Zen Benefiel joins the "Are You Being Present?" podcast as a guest host with Paul Kerzner.  Zen is an author, minister, facilitator and "possibilities coagulator" who has years of experience working within the mindfulness arena.

The title of this podcast is "What's Your Presence Process?"  Learning and working on presence requires a fluid methodology that is developed and improved throughout life.   Both Zen and Paul delve into a deep discussion where they explore their own perspectives and perceptions of the present moment. 

During the podcast Zen discusses how he grew up as empathic and having to learn how to be present and navigate the world without taking on other people's feelings.  He shared the need to find a place that he could differentiate himself as there was a tendency to take on emotions that weren't his own.  There are many people who are also empathic that will find this part of the podcast useful and relatable.  

One interesting subject that Zen and Paul explore was communication and the effect is has on being present.  Often times there is a considerable amount of projection taking place and this can be due to the fact that people will hear different things based on their own subjective interpretations.  Having clarity, speaking with intention and being open is a key component of a successful presence process.

The Presence Projects thanks Zen for joining the podcast and looks forward to having him return soon for a follow up.  If you'd like to learn more or contact Zen Benefiel please visit his website: 

Aug 5, 2016

The Presence Projects presents episode 12 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The topic for this episode is "Laugh With the Present Moment" and features StevieAnne Petitt who is a conscious comedian, teacher, mother and author.  

In this episode StevieAnne discusses her life path and how she was able to overcome great adversity using comedy and laughter.  We learn that laughing is an amazing 'presence tool' and a wonderful way to accept life in the 'here and now'.  Her personal story, the challenges she has faced and her ability to maintain such a positive perspective will truly impress and inspire those of us who have also faced hardship in some way, shape or form.

While it is true that not every present moment is funny, with some moments more serious than others, we must strive to find the humor and use laughter to help shift us away from past thought and future worry.  When we laugh it is impossible to experience anything but presence.  If you don't believe that then just start laughing and you'll see for yourself.  

We thank StevieAnne Petitt for being a part of this special podcast and look forward to having her return.  To learn more about her please click this: [Link]

Jul 27, 2016

In this episode AJ Germano makes a special appearance as guest host of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast with Paul Kerzner.  AJ is an inspirational leader, ecstatic dance organizer and drum circle facilitator.  He has dedicated his life to being of service to others and spends the majority of his time organizing events and gatherings to help build and support the community. 

The title and theme of this podcast is "Dancing Into Presence" as dance is an amazing activity that can be used by anyone, anywhere at anytime to help shift into the present moment.  AJ has an extensive history with dance (ecstatic and contact), which he discusses all throughout the interview.

One of the many highlights of this episode includes AJ taking time to delve into his past and explain how it provided him with the necessary challenges to shift his perspectives, perceptions and consciousness.  AJ goes into detail about how he was first introduced to dance via the rave scene and the transformation he underwent as his life progressed and he matured.  Many people will be able to relate to his life story and the decisions he made during his personal evolution into becoming the inspirational person he is today.

If you're interested in learning more about AJ Germano please visit his Facebook page: [link]

We thank AJ for sharing his story and and look forward to having him back soon!







Jul 24, 2016

The Presence Projects presents episode 10 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  In this podcast Paul Kerzner interviews guest host Andrew Ecker and joins him in exploring the topic of perception and how it directly affects the present moment.

Andrew Ecker is a drum circle facilitator, energetic architect and presenter who has worked with different communities to help people heal and reconnect with the present moment. He is a direct descendent of the Apache nation and has dedicated himself to service of humanity working with many nations, churches, businesses, festival organizations and individuals.

In this podcast Andrew talks about vibrational programming and how it establishes and creates our present moment in connection with our perceptions, words and thoughts.  He explains that this is a process of shifting into energetic alignment with what we desire to be manifested into our reality.  Andrew then discussed how vibrational programming allows for the creation of a beautiful life that is in alignment with the highest level of consciousness.

Later in the podcast Paul delves into the topic of perception and explains how reality is perception and perception is reality.  He discusses the importance being conscious creators and the need to watch words, thoughts, actions and emotions as they have a direct impact on reality. 

Andrew then addresses the need to see beauty in every person, place and thing encountered and how that has the ability to bring about presence and a more positive reality.  This is an important subject that has the ability to help shift a person's state of being by changing their perception.

We sincerely and wholeheartedly thank Andrew for joining us and look forward to having him return soon.

If you're interested in learning more about Andrew Ecker please visit his website: 

Jul 18, 2016

The Presence Projects presents episode 9 in the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The title of this podcast is "Acceptance of the Present Moment" and it contains foundational information for people seeking more presence in their lives.

In this podcast Paul Kerzner addresses the need to accept each and every moment exactly how it is and not how we perceive or expect it to be.  He teaches us that expectations and perceptions can detract from our ability to see things clearly.  

Paul explains that at times we might experience resistance to a person, place or thing and that can cause an inner state of conflict and distraction from the present moment.  By accepting what was, what is and whatever will be we enter into a state of presence allowing each and every moment to unfold in the most divine way possible.  Later in the podcast he shares a personal experience of resistance and how he was able to shift his behavior and perceptions entering into a state of acceptance.  

Remember, you have a choice.  Choose to be present!


Jul 5, 2016

The "Are You Being Present?" podcast warmly welcomes guest host Daniel Hirtz who is a musician, healer, teacher and entrepreneur as well as a leader in the conscious breathing community.  With a long and profound career helping people gain presence through various means we asked Daniel what being present means to him.

In this podcast Daniel discusses how we are always present, even when consumed with past & future thought, as there is never anything other than the present moment. Daniel then shares his perspective about how humanity exists in the "dream of our history" both individually and collectively.  This is a dream that appears as reality but is also a dream, a concept which many in our audience will find profound and thought provoking.  Daniel also addresses the need to cleanse the pain of the past that has been bottled up inside in an effort to make the present moment more joyful, pleasant and acceptable.  

The Presence Projects is in deep gratitude for having Daniel host this episode, we look forward to having him return for a follow-up interview.

If you're interested in learning more about Daniel Hirtz please visit his website:

Jul 5, 2016

The Presence Projects present Episode 7 of "Are You Being Present?" featuring guest host Shannon Horton.  

Shannon is a Happiness Consultant, Intuitive Spiritual Medium, Coach and the owner of Happiness Matters, LLC.  We were delighted when Shannon accepted our invitation to answer a few questions on the podcast.  She has been, and continues to be, a true inspiration and motivation for people seeking happiness and presence. 

In this podcast Shannon discusses the importance of being present, shares a few examples then discusses her 'presence tools'.  She reminds us that being present provides amazing opportunity in the 'here and now' and allows us to "live life to the fullest."  Recently she overcame her fears, stayed present and was able to find a new and exciting opportunity which reminds us that fear is a powerful 'presence distraction.'

We thank Shannon for being our first guest host and look forward to having her back soon!

Jul 5, 2016

In this episode Paul Kerzner delves into one of the greatest 'presence challenges' faced by our society, fear. This emotion has the ability to shift people right out of the present moment by eliciting memories of the past or worries of the future. Some of the fears we experience stem from false/inaccurate memories or belief systems that have been imprinted upon our perception of reality.

In order to live in the 'here and now' and to fully enjoy life in the present moment there must be a concerted effort to maintain a true sense of awareness which is an amazing 'presence tool'. Awareness has the ability to provide for a better understanding of who we are, what fears we have, what are the roots of these fears and how to properly overcome them.

If you, or someone you know, is trapped in a fear cycle we suggest listening to this podcast, working on awareness and incorporating presence. While it might not eliminate all fears it will introduce some helpful tools and perspectives that can lead towards a life in the present moment.

Jul 5, 2016

The Presence Projects is pleased to present it's very first guided meditation featuring Jacqueline Drenth!  

Guided meditations are amazing 'presence tools' that can be used to obtain a sense of inner-peace and tranquility. In a previous podcast we discussed the importance of building a mindfulness practice and one of the key components of this daily exercise was meditation.  Not everyone has the ability, or desire, to perform seated/silent meditations so guided meditations are a wonderful alternative.  This type of mediation can be used by anyone looking for assistance to quiet their mind, body and spirit and are especially effective in helping us shift from thoughts of the past and worries of the future.

In this podcast Jacqueline's soothing voice guides us through relaxing breathing exercises bringing presence and awareness.  She gently takes us on a journey leading us to life in the 'here and now', a place of peace and stillness.  We hope you enjoy this guided meditation and look forward to more in the near future!

Jul 5, 2016

In this episode Paul Kerzner talks about the need to be cognizant of our behavior(s) so we can be more present and live in the 'here and now'.  It's important to remember that our actions, interpretations and reactions can either enhance or inhibit our ability to be present.  Offering forgiveness, being grateful, learning to let go and not take things personally are important tools which, when used properly, can help propel us into the present moment.  

If you find yourself suffering with thoughts of the past and worries of the future use the tools in this podcast and remember that you have a choice, choose to be present!

Jul 5, 2016

In this podcast, Paul Kerzner discusses two main topics: What does it feel like to be present & the importance of being the observer.

What does it feel like to be present? We live in a subjective reality, and being present is a singular experience.  Being present is reaching a state of no thought, a space of nothingness, and feeling truly one with the environment. There is a heightened awareness and sense of connection when we disconnect from the thought stream and feel waves of energy, euphoria and epiphanies. We are able to access answers by being present in the moment and hearing ourselves.

What does it mean to be the observer? Our thoughts are like clouds in the sky, and we can become observant without being attached. When we pull ourselves back into the here and now, we are able to chosse which thoughts are most important. When we empty our mind, we are able to live more fully.

You have a choice.  Choose to be present!

Jul 5, 2016

Paul welcomes his listeners into the here and now using mindfulness as a spiritual tool to build a baseline of calm and peace.

He encourages listeners to find inspirational literature and quotes, and shares a book which has  personally inspired him to a loving state of being.

Paul also discusses at length using affirmations and meditation to positively effect the mind, body and spirit. He reminds the listeners that great changes can happen quickly, and there's no time like the present to get started.

You have a choice.  Choose to be present!

Jul 5, 2016

In this podcast, Paul Kerzner, L.Ac. discusses the importance of letting go of memories of the past and worries about the future. Only the present matters, since the here and now is the only thing we can control.

Paul invites the listeners to explore the potential that exists when we are being present; this enables us to take control and stop being victims of our circumstances. When we look at our behaviors consciously and clearly we can see that life is full of both peaks and valleys and that we must do our best each and every moment.

Learn more about being present by visiting our website:

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